Friday, February 21, 2020

The Easier Way to Lose Weight

Hasil carian imej untuk kuruskan badan

Try using a low-carb diet, high protein. The best way for you to lose weight fast is a low-carb diet. The low-carb diet will drop by 5.8 kg while compared to the 1.9 kg low-fat diet in the same 6 months. Your appetite may decrease when you adopt a low-carb diet and you will lose weight automatically. You don't have to worry about calorie intake and you can eat until you are full, feeling more satisfied while losing weight. This low-carb diet requires you to reduce your carbohydrate intake (rice, noodles, bread, etc.) and replace it with high-protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, yogurt. For those who want to lose weight, 100-150 grams a day. If you want to lose weight, 20-50 grams of carbohydrates a day is the optimal amount for your body to have a low appetite. Studies show that you can potentially lose 2-3 faster with this low-carb diet. to practice eating low-carb foods such as vegetables and high in protein (meat, fish, chicken and even eggs).

Have to drink enough water, especially before eating. There is no scientific study that can prove how much water should be taken per day. But most people take 2-3 liters a day. If you are an active or sweating type, be sure to drink more water to replace the lost body water. However, if you are less active - office work, less exercise - make sure you drink less than 2 liters of water a day. Drinking water can reduce weight, a study shows a person who is on a diet and drinking 500ml of water before eating can lose 44% more weight in two weeks than those who do not. Another study states that it is recommended to drink two glasses of water (500 ml) half an hour before a meal so that it feels fuller and automatically controls your calorie intake.

Increase your intake of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits are one of the best foods on earth. These vegetables and fruits have low calorie, high fiber, high water content and are very filling. Studies suggest that individuals who eat more vegetables and fruits will be healthier than those who do not. Most vegetables are very low in calories like spinach, mustard, cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, etc. Make sure you include vegetables in your diet daily. Fruits that are high in fiber can make you feel full because fiber is not digested by our body. When you feel full, you automatically no longer have to worry about calorie intake. You are encouraged to eat lots of vegetables and fruits because the nutrients in it are amazing for our bodies. However, if you want to lose weight on a low-carb diet, it is advisable not to eat more than one fruit daily because the fruit is still high in carbohydrates.

Sleep well 8 hours a day. Studies have shown that insufficient sleep risks 89% for obesity in children and 55% in adults. Insufficient sleep can also lead to weight gain. Worse, they have a higher appetite and tend to eat more calories when they don't get enough sleep. So try to get enough sleep (about 8 hours) every day. You need to sleep 8 hours a day and that should be enough. This 8 hour period may be impossible for single people, parents with young children, but you get 8 hours of quality sleep. And the recommended bedtime is between 10-12 nights.

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